Clarington Physiotherapy Health and Wellness Centre Blog
Spring running season is here!
Running is a great way to get some fresh air and exercise, as long as you still maintain social distancing! Although running is a great method of exercise, it…
How to help manage stress during difficult times!
Hello everyone! If you follow us on social media, you know I have been putting together different video series for everyone to help with stress management. I wanted to…
The Total Work From Home Video Package!
I put together this series of videos to help everyone during the COVID-19 pandemic by giving some helpful tips for working at home. Each video goes over different things…
ACL Rehabilitation
We did a blog post a little while back about what an ACL injury is, and a bit about how to protect yourself from injury. So now we are…
Improving Your Work Posture
Workplace tips from your team at Clarington Physiotherapy Health and Wellness Centre: Did you know your brain can be under-stimulated during a typical workday? This is especially true for…
Manual therapy: What is it and how can it help you?
Manual therapy is a very broad topic, covering many different types of treatment, and from many different types of practitioners. Manual therapy can be defined as: “Skilled hand movements…
Ultrasound therapy? What is it and how can it help you?
Many of you may have gone to physiotherapists who do somethings called “ultrasound” on you. You know, the thing where they slap a bunch of goop onto your injured…
All about the ACL: What is it and how do I prevent an injury? (Part 1)
Almost everyone involved in sports has heard of the dreaded ACL injury, but few know what it actually is or how to prevent it. So what is an ACL?…
Warm Up and Cool Down: How and Why?
Almost everyone has heard that you should warm up before exercise, and that you should cool off at the end of exercise, but many people don’t know why or…